End of the year class parties and parent conferences will be held the following week during your child’s regular class time expect for Friday and Saturday classes will be held at these times below:
Pre-Modern I, I/II and II (Friday)- Tuesday, May 21st 5-6:00PM
Tap IV (Friday)-Tuesday, May 21st 6-7:00PM
Jazz/Hip Hop I/II (Saturday)-Tuesday, May 21st 5:15-6:15PM
Tap I (Saturday)- Monday, May 20th 5:15-6:00PM
Pre-Ballet I/II (Saturday)-Thursday, May 23rd 5:15-6:00PM
*Please bring something to share for your child’s class such as cookies, chips, brownies, drinks,
fruit or candies.
*Pre -registration for fall classes will be handled at this time